Replenishing Care

It's ALL about cellular health!

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Replenishing Care

RC for Public Health and Corporate Wellness Stakeholders

Help redefine population health outcomes, norms and paradigms.

Lack of focus on maintaining and re-establishing cellular health is a fatal flaw that not only limits the effectiveness of traditional wellness programs it also dooms North American Health Care Systems to mediocrity.

Elephant in the Room

This flaw is an elephant in the room: reduced cellular health diminishes the body’s ability to perform and heal – creating a vicious cycle in which improper healing causes reduced performance and accelerating wear and tear (which causes a further decrease in both performance and healing). Most people experience pain, inflammation, lost range of motion, fatigue and other challenges that exacerbate this vicious cycle. Many take prescription drugs and/or painkillers whose side effects cause collateral damage – diminishing the body’s cellular performance and healing capability even more.

Yet year after year, we do nothing about it!

Consequently as people age, most accept the onset of illness and injury as inevitable – as well as the need for even more drugs which (in North America they have been systematically conditioned from childhood to expect as normal). Pharmaceutical advertisements, Western Medicine “best practices”, and societal norms reinforce this expectation daily, such that:

Hostage to the sickness-care paradigm
  • The population is conditioned to believe illness is inevitable and mostly chronic, being on multiple drugs is normal, and collateral damage (sometimes even potential for death) from each drug is ok.
  • No one is ever cured; aging and lost performance are a matter of when.
  • Costs continually increase because the “go-to” products (as described in their own customer messaging) create multitudinous new problems while fixing none.
  • Public health agencies (meaning no disrespect - except toward those whose greed precludes the resources to do otherwise) speak of Transformation but are in fact, limited to rearranging deck chairs – because since nothing ever gets cured and collateral damage is normal there is never enough money (or POLITICAL WILL) left to try and right the ship.
  • Aging populations and escalating costs compound the crisis.

An ugly truth

Roach problem

Sound harsh? Consider this:

  • The 2000 World Health Report by the World Health Organization (WHO) ranked Canada 30th and the US 37th out of 191 Countries in a comparison of health systems based on Population Health and Life Expectancy and how evenly each was distributed; Responsiveness and how evenly that was distributed, and (fair) Financial Contribution. (World Health Report 2000, WHO, Summary).
  • Fourteen years later a 2014 Bloomberg Report on the World’s Most Efficient Health Care Systems ranked Canada 21st and the US 44th out of 51 countries. (Bloomberg, August 25, 2014)
  • What never changes is: the US and Canada lead the world in per capita spending on prescription drugs; medical error is the third leading cause of death in both Countries, and "adverse reactions to prescription drugs taken as prescribed" is the 4th leading cause of death in each Country.
  • Even when drugs do not cause adverse reactions, the collateral damage costs relating to drugs taken as prescribed are staggering - based on a statistic reported in the article: Shoddy Science Under Scrutiny reported in the April 2002 edition of Vitality Magazine that: according to the FDA and American Pharmaceutical Association, for every $1.11 spent on prescription drugs in North America another $1.77 is required to address the collateral health problems caused by the first $1.11. (Vitality Magazine April 2002)

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Replenishing Care is a complete paradigm change that STACKS 13+ cellular health technologies together to help people of widely-varying health levels become as “well” as possible by giving their cells (back) the power, oxygen and other resources needed to heal, repair and perform at new levels - and helps promote/maintain homeostasis and musculoskeletal balance while they do.

Each of the selected Technologies:

  • contributes a specific, unique and incremental benefit(s) to improved cellular health;
  • is more effective when combined (STACKED) with the others;
  • overlaps in key benefits like reducing pain or inflammation, improving range of motion, energy, sleep etc. – so helps produce an entourage effect,
  • reinforces (even amplifies) the benefits of healthy lifestyle practices and professional care, and
  • does no harm!
People running

Replenishing Care is built on the tautology that: the more well a person is, the more resistant to illness and injury they are likely to be. It redefines personal best wellness and personal best performance as a goal for all, and not only reserved for those blessed by DNA or driven by will. What it does more than anything else is level the playing field by giving everyone access to technologies that work with whatever they have to heal, repair and perform better – while doing them no harm!

This means:

  • Elite Athletes further excel, raise performance, become more well.
  • Recreational Athletes perform better, raise wellness.
  • Less active people feel systemic improvement; many increase wellness efforts and activities – because they feel better and develop momentum.
  • The ill, injured, or post-surgical see symptomatic relief and faster recovery (often) with less need for drugs.
  • ALL become more resistant to illness and injury; aging is slowed.

Accordingly, Replenishing Care is not only a Personal Best wellness and Personal Best Performance Model, it is in fact a rewrite of North American Health Care delivery that proactively reduces the causes and risk factors of disease.

To test, quantify and document the validity of this hypothesis:

  1. RC&T is seeking to partner with a Public Health Stakeholder in conducting a pilot study involving thirty (30) to fifty (50) People to document the efficacy of the RC Model in improving Patient Outcomes as a means of raising overall Population Health in the long-term.
  2. RC&T also invites a Corporate Wellness-minded Organization to partner with us in a similar pilot study involving thirty (30) to fifty (50) employees to document the efficacy of the RC Model in improving employee health, reducing costs and lost days, as well as raising morale and productivity

Learn more about Replenishing Care Efficacy Study by writing us: [email protected].


Replenishing Care’s mission is to help people become as healthy as they possibly can be by matching the best tools available to each person’s health circumstance, goals and needs.

Ask Questions

Replenishing Care does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote fitness, wellness and improved athletic performance; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon. RCC is a division of Replenishing Care and Technologies (RC&T)

Replenishing Care

18 Crown Steel Drive, Suite 313
Markham,ON, L3R 9X8


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