A need to keep moving helped me “run my race”!
Among the joys of one's 60s is you realize that (many) challenges in life happen FOR and not "TO" us.
There is no greater example of that for me than my encounter with Guillain-Barre Syndrome in 1996 which (briefly) put me in a wheelchair. At its worst, I could not even FALL out of a baseball catcher’s crouch which was a good thing – because had I gone forward or backward I’d likely have broken my nose or suffered a concussion – as I had NO ability in my arms at all to break my fall. My doctors thought that Guillain Barre would prove chronic for me. To their shock 9 months later I ran a marathon and set a personal best time in a 10 mile road race I ran annually.
Looking back I realize this experience both enabled and inspired me to "run my race" from a wheelchair at 40 with GBS to working out 340 days per year (and NOT “old guy’" stuff) with a resting heart rate of 50 (at 67)!
Oddly I would also realize that it was my inability to sit still (in the form of lifelong, non-diagnosed anxiety – that in hindsight was like an elephant in the room) that had me out running WAY AHEAD OF WHAT EXPERTS THOUGHT POSSIBLE!
So it might not be surprising that in 2016 – just a few months before the 5K picture was taken - I safely and comfortably returned to full workout 9 days after hernia surgery WITHOUT USING THE PRESCRIBED OPIATE MEDICATION.
On that note I cannot remember the last medication I have taken for ANYTHING. Part of that reason (early on) was due to an “adverse drug reaction I had to a medication taken as prescribed” related to my GBS care - that hospitalized me a second time. The adverse reaction was so severe I had a soaring temperature that caused me to lie on the floor in the emergency waiting room (in slush) and later pass out and hit my head on the sink in my ward room when left on my own. I am not being dramatic when I say: the adverse drug reaction was the singular worst moment of a 6 week GBS event – that had left me as weak as a Raggedy Andy Doll after 4 weeks of severe, continuing pain.
When I checked in for the hernia surgery (at 60) the Hospital Staff looked at me like I was an alien – when I answered (and insisted) “no” to all the related prescription questions. Unbelievably, despite MULTIPLE warnings and pre-screenings I was almost given the same type of drug that caused the adverse drug reaction (by my surgeon - who seemingly/evidently prescribed it by reflex); fortunately a nurse caught the error and I did not receive the drug.
In this process of learning how to take BEST care of myself my life purpose was revealed: helping other patients achieve their best possible results as I have, or better yet not become "patients” in the first place. The mechanism for this purpose is something I call Replenishing Care (RC). Like most callings, I didn’t choose it; RC chose me. And a pull toward personal best wellness and best personal performance opened the door.
RC will similarly help you “run your race” if you let it. RC STACKS 13+ cellular health technologies and therapies together into a personal best wellness and personal best performance model. By focusing at the cellular level, RC utilizes and enhances YOUR greatest wellness and health resource: YOUR OWN BODY’S INNATE ABILITY TO HEAL, REPAIR AND PERFORM.
If you never considered yourself as “athletic” please do not think Replenishing Care isn’t for you. Wellness is a state of progressing toward higher levels of functioning and health is a state of being free from injury or illness. It is for everyone. RC will use and enhance your body’s ability to do things at a level beyond what you ever imagined possible with less soreness, fatigue or wear and tear – because RC will give your cells the power, oxygen and other resources needed to “push through” life’s everyday challenges (and simply feel better).
I’m living proof of what RC can do. I’m a guy with average athletic ability who’s still enjoying the things I did 40+ years ago as I progress into my upper sixties. I want others to enjoy the same opportunities whether they are elite athletes looking to rewrite the record books on their way to the Hall of Fame, or normal folks like me with average athletic ability who’ve gotten over a few hurdles of their own (and not necessarily the type you jump over on a track).
All I ask is you remember: your wellness is ONLY about you – and running YOUR RACE (whatever that is). And if you are someone who (because of body image, or bad experiences with traditional programs) thinks “wellness” is for others, guess again.
The pursuit of best personal wellness should be a goal for everyone. It is the wellspring to living “your best life” and enjoying the related fruits of your labor. Best of all, for those who prefer it - you can do RC in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
We look forward to being part of your race!
Kindest regards,
James G Comerford
Founder and CEO
James G Comerford LinkedIn
Replenishing Care’s mission is to help people become as healthy as they possibly can be by matching the best tools available to each person’s health circumstance, goals and needs.
Ask QuestionsReplenishing Care does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote fitness, wellness and improved athletic performance; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon. RCC is a division of Replenishing Care and Technologies (RC&T) www.rcandt.com